Accelerate actions to end child marriage and early unions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Executive report

© UNICEF/UNI178938/Ramos


Despite regional advances on gender equality, the prevalence rate of child marriage and early unions has remained stagnant over the past ten years in Latin America and the Caribbean. This situation, typically not part the national development agendas, had barely been considered in our countries’ public policies. Invisible and therefore with little to no actions to solve it, the problem will escalate to affect nearly 20 million girls in the region married before age 18, by 2030.

Girls and adolescent girls are the most affected by this situation because many of their rights are violated and their optimal personal development during childhood is impeded. The consequences for these women and their families will be felt throughout their life cycle, perpetuating situations of poverty and inequality.

According to available data, the proportion of non-marital unions represents approximately 70% of all early unions and marriages in the region.

The 2030 Agenda commits us as a region to end child marriage and early unions, assuring for these girls today–who will be adults by 2030–and their families, opportunities for their full development. To achieve this, we can wait no longer. Now is the time to act.  THEIR time is now.


Note: Report and poster are available for download on the right menu.

Portada Acelerar las acciones para erradicar el matrimonio infantil y las uniones tempranas
Joint Inter-Agency Program to End Child Marriage and Early Unions in Latin America and the Caribbean: 2018-2021
Publication date
English, Spanish