04 March 2019

International Seminar Investment in Children in Latin America and the Caribbean

Generating sufficient budgetary spaces and investing more and better in children and adolescents is one of the best strategies that countries have to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since 2013, UNICEF annually organizes regional meetings on how to move forward with this strategy, and these meetings have been…, Download presentations and speakers' biographies, PPT-0.1_Conferencia Magistral_Segura Vasi.pdf Economic context of Latin America and the Caribbean: economic growth, fiscal space and expectations for 2019 Presenter: 0.1_Bio-Alonso Segura Vasi.pdf Alonso Segura Vasi , Ex-Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru, Founding Partner of HACER PERÚ, Professor of Economics at PUCP.       PPT-0.…, Photo gallery, Foto Galería >>>> Click here to access photos of the Seminar. Organizers - International Seminar Investment in Children For more information: santodomingo@unicef.org  , Related resources, Latin America and the Caribbean 30 years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Latin America and the Caribbean 30 years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Almost 30 years after the signature of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ECLAC and UNICEF Latin America and the Caribbean Regional…, Previous seminars, Argentina Seminario Internacional “Inversión Social: en Busca de la incidencia para proteger y mejorar la asignación de recursos para la niñez y la adolescencia” - Argentina International Seminar “Social Investment: In Search of Advocacy to Protect and Improve the Allocation of Resources for Children” October 10 and 11, 2017 Buenos Aires,…