All children learn in Colombia
UNICEF Country Office
- Available in:
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Colombia in Numbers
What are we doing?
In Colombia, we are determined to overcome barriers to ensure that children and adolescents have access to education and complete their educational trajectories.
We prioritize the most vulnerable populations in territories affected by violence, poverty, illicit economies, institutional fragility, and high school dropout rates.
We focus on promoting children's rights, guaranteeing their participation, and improving the quality of basic services, including quality education in remote and blended learning modalities.
We work across different decision-making levels and with multiple actors in national and local governments, implementing partners, community, civil society and private sector organizations in favour of children's and adolescents' right to education.
As part of our work, we identify and assess learning disparities, define remedial and catch-up learning plans, transform discriminatory attitudes and violent practices, fill information gaps, develop data collection tools, and overcome prejudices and social and cultural practices that keep children and adolescents out of school or prevent them from completing their education.