“Children Through the History of Kyrgyzstan” Exhibition Inaugurated as Kyrgyzstan Celebrates 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

20 November 2024
Opening of an exhibition on the history of children in Kyrgyzstan
UNICEF/Kyrgyzstan/2024/Bektur Zhanibekov

BISHKEK, 20 November 2024 – The Chairwoman of Social Policy Committee of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, Vinera Raimbachaeva, the Child Rights Commissioner, Asel Chynbaeva, the Minister of Culture and Youth, Altynbek Maksutov, and UNICEF Representative, Samman Jung Thapa, today opened an exhibition on the history of children in Kyrgyzstan, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Republic’s ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"One of the most important tasks of each state is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors. Parliament has played a special role in protecting the interests of the child and their independence, and has developed many laws," said Vinera Raimbachayeva, Chairperson of the Committee on Social Policy of the Zhogorku Kenesh, at the official opening of the exhibition.

“The Convention on the Rights of the Child has become a kind of blueprint for the whole world, which enshrines the rights of every child to education, health care, participation in cultural life, recreation and protection from violence and exploitation. Our task is to do everything possible to make these rights a reality for every child in Kyrgyzstan,” stated Asel Chynbaeva, the Child Rights Commissioner.

The exhibition – opened on World Children’s Day – explores the concept of childhood in Kyrgyzstan, looking at family environments, education, health, and children’s welfare, along with cultural representations of childhood. It features photos and videos spanning a century, graphic art, and displays archival documents from the Parliament, including the historic text from 12 January 1994, when Kyrgyzstan ratified the Convention.

Minister of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy Altynbek Maksutov noted: "The opening of this exhibition symbolizes our desire to create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of children in Kyrgyzstan. We are proud of our cultural heritage and believe that by supporting creative and educational initiatives, we lay a strong foundation. Let this exhibition inspire everyone to care for children and their rights, as the present and future of our country are in their hands. According to Article 20 of our Constitution: 'Children are the most important value of the Kyrgyz Republic.”

“This exhibition – dedicated to children – tells the story of childhood in Kyrgyzstan and reflects the rich heritage, cultural practices, and the evolving roles and rights of children through history. From the nomadic traditions of the Kyrgyz people to contemporary realities, this exhibition shows how children have been nurtured, educated and empowered over time and highlights the impact of implementation of the Convention in Kyrgyzstan,” said Samman Jung Thapa, UNICEF Representative to Kyrgyzstan.

During the opening, Kyrgyz Post and UNICEF awarded the winners of an essay contest entitled Children's Rights Every Day, held in honour of the thirtieth anniversary of Kyrgyzstan ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child. To encourage participation, Kyrgyz Post and UNICEF released a special edition of postage stamps featuring characters from Keremet Koch, the first popular Kyrgyz animated series, beloved by Kyrgyz children.

Additionally, three iconic buildings in Kyrgyzstan will light up in blue tonight to mark World Children’s Day: the Kyrgyz Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abdylas Maldybaev, the Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aitiev, and the National History Museum.

Media contacts

Mavliuda Dzhaparova
Communication Officer
UNICEF Kyrgyzstan


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