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Child protection
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Child Protection
UNICEF in Kosovo ensures that central and local child protection systems are robust and integrated and can offer both preventative and responsive services t
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Evaluation of UNICEF Kosovo’s Municipality Approach (2021–2024)
The object of the evaluation is the Municipality Approach, an intervention strategy developed by UNICEF Kosovo in 2021 to bring about change in how the UNICEF Kosovo Programme (2021-2025) is being delivered. The Municipality Approach enhances engagement with municipal authorities, with a view to bringing its imple...

Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it
We brought together UNICEF specialists, international cyberbullying and child protection experts, and teamed up with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and X to answer some of the most common questions about online bullying and give advice on ways to deal with it. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullyi...

Press release
World Children’s Day 2024: A Call to “Listen to the Future” and Uphold Children’s Rights
Pristina, 20 November 2024 – Today, we are celebrating World Children’s Day, a day that serves as a powerful reminder of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). This landmark convention remains a beacon for ensuring every child’s right to life, health, education, and protect...

A new beginning: The journey of Ana and her family towards hope and support
Ana [1] is a lively eight-year-old girl who, along with her five siblings, has already faced significant challenges in her young life. Found on the streets, Ana wasn’t alone; she was with four of her siblings—two brothers who washed car windows at traffic lights and two older sisters who begged for money and sold...

Unraveling the Knot
Children with disabilities need care and support to feel included. Adriatik Muhadri, a 13-year-old student from Gjakova, faces the challenges of living with a paralyzed arm. Despite this, his determination and resilience shine through as he advocates for the rights of children with disabilities. English A Day in A...

Mediation groups, a successful way to end violence in schools
I heard one teacher say in class to one of my Roma friends – “nobody hires Roma people; they have no future” . I felt bad because I thought racial discrimination was happening there. That word stuck in my head for a long time – said Genci*, a student at the Lower Secondary School “Ibrahim Fehmiu” in Prizren, start...

With a supportive environment, children with disabilities excel
“I was on duty for the day and to fulfill one of the responsibilities such as cleaning the sponge, I headed towards the door to wash the sponge. Suddenly, the former teacher said to me: Don’t go, because until you go and come back, the class will be over” - Eldin Gashi, member of the HËNA Group English “In one cla...

Press release
Only 1 in 4 children in street situations is currently attending school, reads a new study released by UNICEF and the EU in Kosovo
Pristina, 28 February 2024 – UNICEF in Kosovo in partnership with the European Union in Kosovo has launched the Study of Children in Street Situations in Kosovo as part of the three-year partnership “Protecting Vulnerable Children in Kosovo”. The keynote speakers at the launching event were the EU Ambassador in Ko...

Abedin’s Story
"For us, Abedin is the priority. We monitor the situation of his family as well, but our focus is on Abedin, on his health and well-being, on his education and the services he receives". There is something sincere and empowering in Brilanda’s words - the director of Handikos Gjakova. Brilanda is sharing her though...

Review of administrative data systems on children with disabilities
While there have been significant advances made in Kosovo with regard to the realization of children’s rights, the overall situation has not been uniform. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for an investment in all children and young people with the aim of ‘leaving no one behind’. Investing in all c...

Study of Children in Street Situations in Kosovo
The Study of Children in Street Situations in Kosovo was undertaken to provide rigorous data and evidence about the circumstances of children in street situations nationally that was absent. The study took a child rights approach in accordance with the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) General Comment No....

Press release
Statement by UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Kitty van der Heijden at the conclusion of COP28
NEW YORK, 13 December 2023 – “The COP28 climate negotiations generated welcome breakthroughs on both the urgent need to address the root causes of climate change – fossil fuels – and some glimmers of hope for climate justice for children. Now to have any hope of turning these words into action, we must see a trans...