Operational manual for the centres of adaptation of children in difficult life situations
Tested in the Cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent and Turkestan Oblast
This Manual should be used by all employees, consultants, interns and volunteers (referred to as ‘staff’ or ‘staff members’) of the CAMs/CSC to deliver protective services to CABM in their re- spective localities.
‘Children affected by migration’ or ‘CABM’ are:
Children who are cross-border or internal migrants, either alone or with their families;
Children who remain in Kazakhstan while one or both of their parents or legal repre- sentatives migrates elsewhere;
Children born in Kazakhstan to migrant parents;
- Children repatriated to Kazakhstan.
CABM includes child asylum-seekers, child refugees and child victims of trafficking, but excludes kandas (repatriate). A ‘child’ is an individual aged 0 to 18 years.
These manuals were developed within the framework of the programme «Protection of Children Affected by Migration in Kazakhstan» implemented by UNICEF Kazakhstan with the support of the Committee for Children Rights Protection of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, as well as the Public Foundation «Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law», Public Foundation «Legal Centre for Women’s Initiatives «Sana Sezim», Public Foundation «Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women and Children «Rodnik».