17 January 2018

U-Report Côte d'Ivoire Ignites a Youth Movement

In Cote d’Ivoire, more than 50% of our population are under the age of 25. These 14 million young activists and changemakers within their community represent the generation that will lead progress towards a future that is brighter, better, and more gender equitable. Across the country, many of these girls and boys have raised their voices on the…, 1. Listen to youth as DECISION MAKERS, To make decisions that matter to young people, young people need a seat at the table too. Which is why our U-Report leadership is largely made up of young influencers who bring forward their personal stories, social networks, creative ideas for the future and work expertise to help shape the type of events, discussions, and topics we discuss on U-…, 2. Work with STRONG social influencers and role models, Amie  is one of our first U-Report ambassadors called  porte-voix or “megaphone” . She is an influential girls’ rights advocate and founder of  Ayana Webzine , a blogspace that talks about issues like menstrual hygiene management to ending violence against girls. She uses her digital platform to highlight the stories and voices of young girls,…, 3. Create an OPEN conversation and dialogue, “Where is the nearest health centre for family planning services and info?” “I have really bad period pains… What can I do to make it better?” “What does UNICEF do in Cote d’Ivoire, and how can I help?” These are just some of the questions that we get from U-Reporters across Cote d’Ivoire. The platform allows youths to receive real-time…, 4. Discuss what matters to girls, while engaging boys, As important as it is to create a virtual platform for youth to voice their opinions and concerns anonymously and from anywhere in the country, it is also important to take that virtual network offline. U-Reporters regularly come together to meet one another in person. They participate in events and meetings across Cote d’Ivoire to brainstorm on…, 5. Create a physical network of young, empowered changemakers, As important as it is to create a virtual platform for youth to voice their opinions and concerns anonymously and from anywhere in the country, it is also important to take that virtual network offline. U-Reporters regularly come together to meet one another in person. They participate in events and meetings across Cote d’Ivoire to brainstorm on…