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15 April 2024
Young Climate Leaders in the Seats of Power
When Uruguay’s climate change decision makers arrived for a routine meeting, they were surprised to find many of their seats occupied by adolescents and young people. For the first time in Uruguay’s history, the National System for Climate Change Response (SNRCC), the country's most important decision-making forum...
27 July 2023
Strengthening health systems to reach remote communities
Almost half of the world’s population live in remote areas , but across the world, most health workers and healthcare facilities are in cities. Communities in rural or underserved regions often face significant barriers to accessing the health care they need, from long travel times to reach facilities and provider...
13 July 2023
Sparking Innovation Across UNICEF and Beyond
Spanning over 190 countries, UNICEF staff operate on the frontlines of humanitarian and development response. Collectively we share a vantage point to see opportunities, identify emerging trends and co-create transformational solutions to some of the most challenging issues affecting the lives of children and thei...
06 December 2019
Dronfies Labs: Drone management systems for low connectivity settings
Emergency situations such as natural disasters put thousands of human lives at risk each year, especially children's lives. Drones have great potential to quickly reach highly inaccessible areas, cover vast areas in a short time and generate a large amount of data. Despite this, their use in emergency response tas...