07 June 2024

Accessible digital textbooks

Children with disabilities are significantly more likely than their peers to be excluded from education and learning opportunities. Many education systems and schools struggle to provide inclusive educational experiences, where children with and without disabilities can learn together, due to a lack of materials, ...
26 November 2023

Disability inclusion in research

Over 240 million children around the world live with disabilities. Many face challenges as they try to participate fully in the world: They miss out on learning, health care, playing with friends and enjoying family and community life. For many, discrimination leads to isolation, neglect and abuse. For children ...
25 November 2023

Inclusion and equity

Across the world, inequity and discrimination keep children from participating fully in their families, communities and nations. Discrimination and inequity keep children from attending school, from seeking and receiving health care, and from dreaming big and reaching their goals. When discrimination and inequity ...
31 October 2023

Accessible Digital Textbooks Jamaica

In the Latin America and Caribbean region, more than 19 million children have a disability. In Jamaica, disability is a major factor of exclusion from the education system. The Accessible Digital Textbooks for All (ADT) initiative, implements accessible digital tools and content to make learning accessible to all ...
12 October 2023

A global review of selected digital inclusion policies

Around the world, policies on digital inclusion have achieved results: Many more children are connected and have digital skills than in the past. However, vast inequalities still exist in levels of internet access, digital skills and patterns of use – particularly for girls from disadvantaged communities. To recti...
03 July 2023

Innovating for inclusion

Children with disabilities remain one of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in society. Children with disabilities are 49 per cent more likely to have never attended school compared to children without disabilities. Even when in school, children with disabilities still face unique and additional barrier...
24 October 2022

Towards a child-centred digital equality framework

The digitization of society does not have a universal effect on all children. Even with the same internet access, digital literacy and content, children from different places and backgrounds can still have unequal experiences and outcomes. A child’s individual environment influences the extent to which they can se...
01 August 2022

Accessible Digital Textbooks Paraguay

In the Latin America and Caribbean region, more than 19 million children have a disability. Although school attendance and completion rates have increased steadily over the last 20 years in the region, barriers to access quality education are still too high for children and adolescents with disabilities. In Paragu...
16 May 2022

UNICEF and WHO launch the first global report on assistive technology

GReAT logo 16 May 2022 – The first Global Report on Assistive Technology (GReAT) is launched today by The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The report, produced in collaboration with UNICEF’s Office of Research – Innocenti, shares evidence-based best practice examples and 10 key actionable recommendations…
30 April 2022

Caregivers’ Guide to Inclusive Education

Parents or caregivers of children with disabilities play a crucial role in supporting their child’s learning. This includes navigating the education system and supporting their child’s participation in an inclusive school. They often face unique challenges and obstacles as they navigate the education system and su...
01 February 2022

Children and COVID-19 Research Library Quarterly Digest Issue 3 (Feb 2022)

Research and data on children with disabilities around the globe remains critical as these children continue to be left behind. This is despite near-universal ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the extensive ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Evide...