Child Rights Youth Foresight Report 2024
What does the future hold for children’s rights?How do children and young people envision the future of their education, health, work, privacy, security, technology and the environment?Twelve Youth Foresight Fellows embarked on an intensive journey to seek answers directly from more than 800 children and young people in over 50 workshops held across 12 countries. The Fellows used foresight tools and their knowledge and skills in children’s rights and advocacy to design and lead national projects. The case studies presented in this report offer valuable considerations on the future of children’s rights over the next 10 to 25 years.The youth-led foresight processes present findings that include implications for the national contexts, considerations for emerging issues and recommendations by children and young people to proactively address threats and leverage opportunities.The Fellow’s work to engage diverse groups of children and young people in participatory foresight activities is testament to what is possible when youth are given the appropriate support and tools to pave their own paths forward. By serving as a platform for young people to share their perspectives on the future of children’s rights, this report responds to the growing need to meaningfully engage children and youth in shaping our collective future.The launch of the Young Visionaries report on September 16, right before the Summit of the Future, had more than 465 attendees from 75 countries. Alongside the fellows, guest speakers included:Felipe Paullier, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Youth AffairsCat Tully, the Director of the School of International Futures Sofia Borges, Senior Vice President of the UN FoundationChris Earney, the Head of UN Futures Lab. To watch the highlights of the launch, click the video below. To watch the full-length launch video, click here. Suggested citation: UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight, Young Visionaries: Child rights youth foresight report 2024, UNICEF Innocenti, Florence, September 2024.
See the full report