Social Spending Monitor

Protecting and transforming social spending amid COVID-19 for inclusive recoveries

Children at the water well of their school, Cameroon.


Realizing all children’s rights does not come for free. To achieve this indispensable goal, careful planning and budgeting are needed. By collaborating with key partners, UNICEF’s Public Finance for Children work seeks to enhance the transparency, quality and size of public spending on children, to ensure that even the most disadvantaged children are supported.

The emerging global economic crisis threatens to decimate progress made on social spending for children in recent years. Even before the pandemic, social sector spending in most countries was grossly inadequate to address the challenges and inequalities most children faced. Experience from past crises shows that social spending works to protect children. UNICEF Innocenti’s new publication series with UNICEF's Programme Division monitors, advocates for, and supports better social spending.

UNICEF Innocenti
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