Impacts of the Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso endline brief
The Burkina Faso Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme (CSSPP) was a pilot initiative implemented from June 2020 and April 2023 in the regions of Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, East, and North. The CSSPP provided an unconditional cash transfer of FCFA 16,000 (approximately USD 30) per month to eligible households complemented with Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) as well as nutrition services.
A series of mixed-methods studies were carried out to evaluate the programme’s impact on children, adolescents, women, and households. Through process evaluation component, these studies provided insights into the fidelity of the programme’s implementation and identified lessons learned to enhance the programme’s overall effectiveness and efficiency. The midline study was part of the GRASSP research agenda.
The endline study aimed to understand the overall programme impacts as outlined in the programme’s conceptual framework. It compared impact at each wave to highlight short-term impacts that were sustained and any changes in impacts across the two waves. Additionally, the endline study analysed the moderating role of community-level characteristics and dynamics.
Given the unstable security context of the implementation areas, the endline findings provide insights into the effectiveness and constraints of implementing a social protection programme in shock-exposed contexts.
Suggested citation (report): Damoah, Kaku A, et al., Impacts of the Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme in Burkina Faso: Endline Research Report, UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight, Florence, November 2024.