31 Maret 2021


Cerita terbaru, Semua cerita dari negeri,   1069 results Fulltext search Hide filters Newest Best match Oldest By title (A-Z) By title (Z-A) Show filters Date range Max Report 02 April 2024, Towards child-sensitive social protection in Indonesia, Indonesia’s development vision is to become one of the four largest economies globally and reach high-income country status by reducing extreme poverty to zero. With poverty in childhood also the root cause of poverty in adulthood, realizing this government vision requires a focus on the eradication of child poverty as a vital first step. Social…..., Towards a future in Indonesia without child undernutrition, The children of Indonesia face grave risks of undernutrition with high rates of child wasting and stunting. Across the country, wasting threatens children’s survival, growth, and development, with severe wasting having the highest mortality rate among all forms of undernutrition. Child wasting and stunting share common risk factors and having one..., Teacher absenteeism in Papua and West Papua, This research brief draws upon qualitative research that took place in five primary schools in a coastal lowland district in West Papua province, and five primary schools in a highland district in Papua province, from July 2022 to January 2023. The research used a political economy and gender analysis to understand teacher absenteeism in national..., Landscape analysis of large-scale food fortification in Indonesia, Landscape Analysis Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) was conducted by UNICEF Indonesia and Bappenas with aim to identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of LSFF in Indonesia. The landscape analysis presents five key findings. First, Indonesia has very limited data on either coverage or impact of fortified food. Second, national… See..., Islamic financing programme in Aceh provides a lifeline for families facing hardship, In a small home in Gampong Lamlagang district in Banda Aceh, the afternoon sunshine streams through the door onto carpet-covered wooden floorboards. The roof is made from patches of corrugated iron, with gaps that permit both light and rain – a common sign of a poverty-stricken household in Indonesia. This is the family home of recently widowed…..., New healthy eating adventures for Aprilia, For 16-year-old Aprilia Kleopatra Yambeabdi, who was raised on the outskirts of Abepura city in the Papua province by a single mother, the idea of having a healthy breakfast used to feel like a distant possibility. The “My Plate” menu – recommendations for a healthy balanced diet that Aprilia saw at the local public health center and on TV ads –…..., Care beyond the classroom: early childhood development teachers in Papua nurture students' nutrition, Orpa Korwa, 33, a native of Nandali village in Sentani, Papua, who has served as a Sunday class teacher at a local church for 18 years, believes deeply in dedicating herself to the welfare of children in her community.  She envisions children thriving, their nutritional needs met by the bounties of the land and water in Nandali, nestled beside the..., Social determinants influencing access to malaria services, This report consists of two parts, presenting the main findings of formative research undertaken in 2021 by Empatika for UNICEF. The research aimed to understand the factors affecting access to malaria services in high-endemic settings and to support the search for local solutions to intransigent behavior change challenges that risk hindering the..., Immunization campaign protects 8.7 million children from polio in Indonesia, Jakarta, 8 March, 2024- A major campaign to immunize millions of children against polio has reached 8.7 million children in 74 districts in East Java, Central Java, and Sleman Regency in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Sleman DIY).   In response to a polio outbreak in late December 2023, the Ministry of Health, in close collaboration with… Visit..., #JagaBareng: Young people champion online safety campaigns for children, Ni Made Cista Striratna, age 17, speaks clearly and confidently to a room full of attentive young listeners who are gathered to share their experiences on a very sensitive topic.   “Some friends, even one of my best friends, were asked to send their private photos and blackmailed to expose them widely. I think our awareness about online child…..., North Sumatra's Health Heroes Learn Vaccine Management Skills, Ratna Dewi Sinaga, age 52, an immunization coordinator in Batu Bara district, North Sumatra Province, has dedicated her life to children in her hometown for the past 17 years.   When Ratna started her role in 2006, she faced an immediate challenge during the first national immunization week in Indonesia. Tasked with immunizing thousands of… Read..., On the way to healthier communities with WASH FIT, It used to be impossible for 18-year-old Nur Annisa to find a clean, fully equipped and functioning toilet at Puskesmas Mancobalang , the closest healthcare facility to her home in Gowa, South Sulawesi. Distressed by this lack of dignity, especially during her menstrual cycle, Nur would skip healthcare visits. This is a common challenge for… Read..., Cerita sebelumnya, Untuk cerita-cerita sebelumnya, kunjungi situs UNICEF Indonesia blog bhs blog UNICEF Indonesia kami (2012-2018).  
25 Januari 2021

Pertanyaan umum

General UNICEF Donation Working Misc, Pertanyaan seputar UNICEF, Apa itu UNICEF? Apa saja kegiatan UNICEF di Indonesia? Bagaimana caranya mendapatkan dukungan UNICEF untuk kegiatan/ organisasi saya? Apakah UNICEF bisa memberi dukungan keuangan untuk anak/ keluarga saya? Bagaimana UNICEF mempertanggungjawabkan kegiatannya? Apakah UNICEF melakukan survei yang meminta data pribadi? Bagaimana cara memverifikasi..., Berdonasi untuk UNICEF, Saya memiliki pertanyaan tentang donasi yang saya berikan. Bagaimana saya dapat menghubungi UNICEF? Saya ingin berdonasi melalui UNICEF. Bagaimana caranya? Saya ingin berdonasi atas nama komunitas/organisasi/sekolah. Bagaimana caranya? Dapatkah saya melakukan penggalangan dana tunai untuk UNICEF? Saat melakukan penggalangan dana, dapatkah saya..., Bekerja atau menjadi sukarelawan untuk UNICEF, Bagaimana caranya melamar pekerjaan di UNICEF? Apa itu Junior Professional Officers Programme? Bagaimana caranya mendapatkan peluang magang atau bekerja sukarela di UNICEF? 1. Bagaimana caranya melamar pekerjaan di UNICEF? Silakan mencari informasi mengenai posisi yang tersedia di UNICEF saat ini melalui: UNICEF Current Vacancies atau UNICEF..., Lain-lain, Saya masih remaja. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Saya mewakili organisasi media. Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan informasi? Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan dan menggunakan video, foto, dan materi multimedia lain dari UNICEF, atau data dan laporan UNICEF, dan apa saja ketentuan penggunaan materi tersebut? Apakah saya dapat berkunjung ke kantor UNICEF...
20 November 2019

30 Tahun Konvensi Hak Anak

Hari Anak Sedunia adalah hari untuk anak-anak, dari anak-anak. Tahun ini, peringatan Hari Anak Sedunia istimewa karena bertepatan dengan peringatan Konvensi Hak Anak ke-30 – sebagai penanda upaya pemenuhan hak anak selama 30 tahun telah berhasil mengubah kehidupan anak-anak di seluruh dunia. Ini adalah saat untuk merayakan dan melakukan aksi. Anak..., Partisipasi Anak Muda, Hari Anak Sedunia – yang diperingati setiap tanggal 20 November di seluruh dunia – adalah hari untuk anak-anak, dari anak-anak. Hari Anak Sedunia diperingati dengan memberikan wadah bagi anak-anak untuk menyampaikan aspirasi tentang isu-isu yang menarik perhatian mereka. Di Indonesia, UNICEF menggunakan wadah jajak pendapat UReport, untuk..., Acara 30 Tahun Konvensi Hak Anak di Solo, Berjuang untuk Hak Anak Anak-anak dan remaja menyerukan menyerukan pentingnya keterwakilan anak pada semua tingkatan pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan di negara ini pada Hari Anak Sedunia 2019. Sebanyak 12 butir pernyataan anak yang dibacakan di depan khalayak luas, disusun dalam forum temu anak yang diselenggarakan oleh Provinsi Jawa Tengah..., Kompetisi untuk Anak Muda, #IniSuaraku #DukungHakAnak Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Anak Sedunia yang bertepatan dengan 30 Tahun Konvensi Hak Anak, UNICEF Indonesia mengadakan kompetisi online #IniSuaraku #DukungHakAnak, sebagai wadah bagi anak muda Indonesia untuk menyuarakan aspirasi mereka kepada para petinggi UNICEF Indonesia dan Pemerintah Indonesia, lewat karya...