UNICEF Assessment on Joint UN Interventions, 2021

Maximizing the benefits derived from the various UN interagency instruments and collaborative efforts towards UNICEF’s results as well as the SDGs

Two students pose with a smile for the camera


This report outlines an assessment of UNICEF’s engagement in joint UN interventions with the aim to establish an organization wide perspective on (i) what is working and not working; (ii) systems issues pertaining to efficiencies around programmatic and operational aspects; (iii) contribution towards UNICEF’s results and the SDGs; and (iv) potential strategies to maximize the benefit derived from joint UN interventions.

Findings of the assessment outline the potential benefits derived from well-designed joint UN interventions. These include a shared recognition of the UN working together as a platform for the most efficient use of limited resources; the value added of a multisectoral response; acknowledgement that no single agency can provide a comprehensive response to national priorities in silos; and recognition of the contribution of joint UN interventions to government ownership and sustainable results. The assessment also identifies the need to adequately explore and understand joint UN interventions.

The key findings from the assessment exercise have identified the need to

· Adopt a structured and evidence-based approach to priority setting

· Measure results visa-vis UNICEF and UN-wide priorities and targets

· Respond to recurring procedural and capacity gaps

· Promote value add of joint UN interventions including through donor UNRCO and UNCT visibility

· Facilitate the Resident Coordinator system engagement for programme-driven approaches

· Address donor conditionalities and non-compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) standards

· Incentivize evidence-based engagement for feasible entry points

The report was developed by the UNICEF’s Public Partnerships Division under its Joint Programme Portfolio. Please reach out to Solome Zemene (szemene@unicef.org) for any questions on the assessment exercise, final report and the next steps i.e. implementation of recommendations.

UNICEF Assessment on Joint UN Interventions, 2021
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