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‘Not the new normal’ – 2024 ‘one of the worst years in UNICEF’s history’ for children in conflict
NEW YORK, 28 December 2024 – The impact of armed conflicts on children around the world reached devastating and likely record levels in 2024, according to a review by UNICEF of the latest available data and prevailing global trends. More children than ever are estimated to be either living in conflict zones or for...

European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights Public Hearing on the Rights of the Child in the EU External Policy
Good afternoon, dear MEPs and colleagues. Firstly, thank you to DROI Committee chair Mounir Satouri, for hosting this important hearing on children’s rights in the EU external policies and to Vice President Kopacz for championing children’s rights at the Parliament and her words. We at UNICEF are very much encoura...

Blog post
Climate-proofing education
The world is grappling with twin crises in climate change and education – and each threatens to amplify the other. The planet is warming at an alarming rate: 2024 marked the first year the average global temperatures surpassed 1.5 degrees, the tipping point that scientists say will cause severe weather, rising sea...

Guidance for EU decision-makers for 2024-2029
The decisions of the new European Union (EU) leadership – its legislation, policy, practices and funding – have an enormous impact on children’s lives inside and outside the European Union. The upcoming EU political cycle (2024-2029), following the European Elections in June 2024, presents a crucial opportunity to...

Empowering Children to Empower the Future
While the Treaty on the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights show a commitment to protecting and promoting children's rights, limited legal competencies restrict the EU's ability to create a more unified and comprehensive approach to these rights. The EU has adopted a case-by-case approach due to t...

Press release
Ahead of the European elections, UNICEF and The Good Lobby urge EU to strengthen children’s rights governance
BRUSSELS, 7 March 2024 – A new report from UNICEF and The Good Lobby calls for the European Union (EU) to strengthen children’s rights governance in its institutions ahead of decisive elections which will usher in a new political cycle. ‘Empowering Children to Empower the Future: Re-thinking children's rights gove...
Press release
Joint statement by OHCHR, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Brussels, 20 February 2024 - The Brussels Offices of OHCHR, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS welcome the European Union’s initiative to introduce the proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The adoption of the Directive would represent a significant advance in the global efforts to respect, protect, and fulfill children’s…

European Parliament elections 2024
The decisions of the European Union (EU) – its legislation, policy, practices and funding - have an enormous impact on children’s lives inside and outside the European Union. The June 2024 European Parliament elections, and the composition of the next European Commission, will be key for the adoption of new polic...
Press release
Children speak up about the rights and the future they want
Brussels, 23rd February 2021 The opinions of children and young people might soon be playing a greater role in policymaking. A group of five Children’s Rights organisations launched an on-line survey and consultation with children, as well as the development of a report itself. The children’s voices will help inform the EU's Strategy on the Rights…

Summary Report - "Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future"
Summary Report The perspectives and priorities of more than 10,000 children and young people, from within and outside the European Union (EU), are expressed powerfully throughout the report "Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future". In preparing for the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child 2021 - 2024, the Europ...

Report "Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future"
The perspectives and priorities of more than 10,000 children and young people, from within and outside the European Union (EU), are expressed powerfully throughout this report. In preparing for the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child 2021 - 2024, the European Commission decided to set a new standard by invi...

Press release
Participation, education, digital access and climate change are key concerns for children and young people in Africa and Europe, U-Report poll finds
ADDIS ABABA, BRUSSELS, NEW YORK, 22 January 2021 - Participation in decision-making, quality education, internet access and the climate crisis are among the main concerns for children and young people in Africa and Europe, according to U-Report polling data released today by UNICEF, the African Union (AU) and the ...