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Jak uchodźcy z Ukrainy odbudowują życie w Polsce dzięki wsparciu społeczności

Biuro UNICEF ds. Reagowania na Potrzeby Uchodźców w Polsce
Olena Grytsaniuk (34) is a biological mother to 4 boys - Aresn (14), Volodymyr (12), Illia (11) and Vitalii (11). She lives in Poland for several years. When war in Ukraine started, she knew her sister and her husband can't leave the country. To provide safe environment and possibility for education to her nephew Stanislav (16), she become foster parent for a boy.  On picture from left to right: Vitalii (11), Stanislav (16), Olena Grytsaniuk (34), Arsen (14), Illia (11) and Volodymyr (12)
20 Czerwiec 2024