Balti district root cause analysis
Immunization at the subnational level and improvement plan
Since its establishment in early 60th National Immunization Program (NIP) of Moldova has achieved remarkable progress in controlling vaccine preventable diseases (VDP) and protecting the country against the VPD through immunization of the target population groups with routine immunization vaccines included in the national routine immunization schedule.
The analysis of coverage rates by districts shows that the insufficient performance of NIP in low performing municipalities can be the main contributing factor, preventing NIP from achieving national coverage target rates. Therefore, improving performance of NIP at the sub-national levels i.e. in municipalities (mostly in underperforming municipalities) is a top priority of immunization system, that requires specific analysis of NIP performance at the district level and planning and implementation of the custom-tailored interventions at the sub-national and national levels.
The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of performance of NIP Moldova at sub-national level aims to identify the factors affecting overall performance of national immunization program in the low performing districts of the country. The primary root causes identified during RCA of the sub-national level performance of the NIP Moldova were related to following components of the national immunization system: 1. Program Management, 2. Service Delivery, 3. Information Systems, and 4. Communication and Immunization Demand.