Climate Fundoo

Educating and empowering Caribbean youth to tackle the climate crisis

Katherine Blackman
03 October 2024

As the devastating impact of climate change intensifies in the Eastern Caribbean, especially in the wake of extreme weather events such as Hurricane Beryl, it is the children and youth that feel it the most. The climate crisis negatively impacts their health, disrupts education and access to adequate and safe water and sanitation, and their overall well-being.

Recognising the urgency of the situation and the need to further engage and educate children and young people in the Eastern Caribbean, UNICEF ECA is taking steps to empower the next generation of leaders in climate action by launching Climate FunDoo, a game changing initiative within the FunDoo ecosystem.

Climate Fundoo

Climate FunDoo is a dynamic and interactive climate literacy course designed for adolescents and young people aged 14-24 in the Eastern Caribbean. It builds on the Toolkit for Young Climate Activists - developed for youth by youth -, providing critical knowledge and skills for meaningful climate engagement. Through a participatory process that involved a focused group discussion with young people from the region, the course was tailored to address the knowledge gaps they face.

The course features five core modules covering essential topics such as Understanding Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, and International Climate Negotiations. Each module equips youth with the tools needed to develop practical solutions as well as giving them the confidence to have a seat at the table during the climate discourse.

Climate FunDoo is more than just a course - it's a dynamic movement designed to inspire and empower youth to take real action, fostering a generation of climate conscious leaders.

Participate in Climate FunDoo today and help build a greener, more sustainable future for the Caribbean. Simply send the message: CLIMATE to get started and take your first step toward becoming a climate conscious leader.