UNICEF SB60 and Expert Dialogue on Children Policy Briefing and UNFCCC Submissions

The Expert Dialogue on children and climate change marks a historic milestone, as the first instance in the 30-year history of the UNFCCC that the unique and acute vulnerabilities of children are considered under the process. UNICEF strongly encourages Parties to use this opportunity to advance specific and actionable recommendations on how climate policies and action at all levels can be informed by, and address, the disproportionate impacts of climate change on children and uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
UNICEF's SB60 Policy Brief identifies entry points for Parties’ consideration with respect to NDCs and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), as well as UNFCCC agenda items on mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, climate finance, just transition, action for climate empowerment and gender. In particular, the briefing underscores the need for a follow-up process from the Dialogue to COP29 and beyond.
For the sake of the world’s 2.4 billion children and future generations, it is essential to maintain focus and momentum, the sharing of good practices and capacity building of Parties on the integration of children's distinct needs and perspectives in climate policies, actions, and finance.
UNFCCC Submissions can also be accessed here: UNFCCC Submissions | Knowledge.