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Research spotlight: Child marriage in humanitarian settings and challenging gender norms to end child marriage

The Child Marriage Research to Action Network


This research spotlight connects the themes of two global research meetings hosted by the Child Marriage Research to Action Network (the CRANK) in 2021, a partnership led by the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage and Girls Not Brides. It covers evidence on girl-led and girl-centered research in humanitarian settings, and evidence on challenging gender norms to end child marriage.

The research spotlight includes key takeaways from featured studies, highlighting formative research exploring the nuanced risk and protective factors associated with the practice of child marriage in humanitarian settings, the services and support needs of adolescent girls and their families, and community-driven solutions; and studies that outline the need for strategies and interventions that foster critical awareness of gender roles and norms in families and communities, alongside those that address the structural drivers of child marriage. It also includes recommendations for further reading on these topics, supporting evidence-based uptake amongst practitioners, policy makers, advocates, researchers and donors.