Tools for companies in the ICT sector

To get started please see UNICEF CSR tools, which were developed in collaboration and consultation with 50+ companies to support child rights due diligence processes.

Children working on computers
© UNICEF/BANA2014-01597/Mawa

Based on these tools and methodology, UNICEF CSR is now developing industry specific guidance – ICT being one of the priority sectors.

This section will feature children’s rights and business related guidance and tools for companies in the ICT sector from UNICEF and other organizations.

UNICEF Mobile Operator Child Rights Self-Impact Assessment Tool (MO-CRIA)
This tool provides guidance for mobile operators on assessing their policies and processes as they relate to the responsibility to respect and commitment to support children’s rights.

VIDEO: Millicom Vice President Corporate Responsibility Milka Pietikainen talks about the business case for taking a child rights approach

UNICEF Business Child Online Safety Assessment tool (COSA)
This tool provides guidance for companies on assessing their policies and processes against the five areas of the UNICEF ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines.

VIDEO: LEGO Head of Global Online Safety, Dieter Carstensen talks about the COSA tool

UNICEF GSMA Notice and Takedown Guide
This guidance document provides insights to help companies establish policies and practices to support the prompt and effective removal of online child sexual abuse material.


The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies, also supporting them on child online protection through the Mobile Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Content.

VIDEO: GSMA Director Public Policy Jenny Jones talks about Children and Internet


INHOPE, the International Association of Internet Hotlines, is the global membership organization dedicated to ensuring cooperation between national Internet hotlines for the rapid notice and takedown of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) URLs.

GSMA and INHOPE published the Hotlines: Responding to reports of illegal online content [PDF] (New version coming soon)