09 September 2019

Leave a Gift in Your Will

We cannot think about the world around us or the future without considering the wellbeing of children who are yet to come. Many boys and girls throughout Croatia and the world still live in dire conditions, excluded from society, with no real support or quality care. These children deserve a safe and carefree childhood, and it is our duty to…, What is a Legacy Gift?, An increasing number of people decide that their assets, besides their family, should also be inherited by organisations which share their values. When you include UNICEF in your will, you help change the future of the generations of children who are yet to come and save many lives in the years ahead. Videos about donors and UNICEF working…, Why Include UNICEF in Your Will?, UNICEF was founded after World War II with the aim of helping sick and hungry children throughout Europe. The UNICEF Office in Croatia opened in 1991, and since then, with the support of donors, we have achieved important results for vulnerable children. For example: the establishment of the Human Milk Bank ensures better care for premature or…, Want to Know More?, For questions and information regarding legacy gift please feel free to contact Nina via cell phone, landline or e-mail! Nina will also gladly send you a brochure to your home or e-mail address.   Kontakt Nina Eleta-Kanceljak oporučno doniranje, How to Write a Will, Every person over 16 who has the capacity of making their own decisions can write a will. A will may be written by hand (a private will) or it can be drafted with a notary public (a public will). Your notary public can tell you more about the different types of will, the relevant regulations in force, and provide help in drafting a will., Why is a Will Important?, A will expresses how you want your assets to be distributed, and with it you can really affect the future! You decide how your assets are to be distributed. A will is a legal document where you determine how to proceed with your assets, which you have been acquiring throughout your life, after you are no longer with us. It is precisely through a…, Your Contact:, Nina Eleta-Kanceljak Tel:  +38513031640   Mob:  +385916011990 Fax: +38512442662 E-mail:  neletakanceljak@unicef.org