"Listen to the children, let them speak!"

Children took over key positions in international organizations, politics, media to mark World Children’s Day

Almir Panjeta for UNICEF
“Slušajte djecu, dajte im da govore!”
20 December 2022

As a leading spokesman for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the realization of all rights for every child, in cooperation with children and young people, UNICEF initiated the "Kids take over" campaign this year to mark World Children's Day on November 20.

Starting on 17.11. children across Bosnia and Herzegovina take on the roles of heads of UN agencies, the Office of the Ombudsman, cantonal governments, mayors' offices, the media, embassies and businesses in order to speak about their rights and propose solutions to improve the state of children's rights.

After the resident coordinator of the UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dr. Ingrid Macdonald, symbolically handed over her office, Asja immediately got to work and tweeted a message:

“Hey, Asja here! To celebrate World Children's Day, today we are taking over the UN BiH Team! Let's go!", she wrote, then held a meeting with the members of the UN team to whom she wrote a clear message for everyone on the blackboard:

"Listen to the children, let them speak!".

Zayyan* took over the role of UNHCR Regional Representative Lucie Gagné:

"Welcome, please sit down, I'm giving you my office," she told him, after which Zayyan got down to work and immediately sent an urgent email to everyone:

"Dear world, let's create peace and tranquility, let's make the world fun!", he wrote and sent an email, while the boys Affan and Danin sent similar messages after taking over the office of UNICEF BiH representative, Dr. Rownak Khan, and held a serious working meeting with the staff. UNFPA representative for BiH John Kennedy Mosoti handed over the office to Tin, who also did important work.

In the Una-Sana Canton, Arslan took over the role of the Cantonal Prime Minister and, together with the "Minister of Education" Hana and the "Minister of Justice" Mirza, hosted a delegation from the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH led by Ambassador Daniel Hunn on a working visit.

At the meeting, Prime Minister Arslan highlighted the potential of USK in the field of tourism and agriculture, after the meeting held a session of the USK Government, and made a statement for the viewers of RTV USK:

"A child who has his own views has the right to express them freely, and the views regarding the issue of children's rights will be given due importance."

The function of the mayor of Bihać was taken over by Emir, who, in addition to other duties, also hosted the Prime Minister of USK Arslan.

"Every child should progress, learn, be protected and get equal opportunities in life," said the "mayor" Emir.

In the same way, the children took over the Office of the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Sumeja took over the role of ombudsman Nives Jukić.

Marking World Children's Day, other institutions, embassies, companies such as Podravka and BH Post, and the media provided outlets for children to send their messages, including the one that the best interest of the child must be above all other interests!


On November 20, the world celebrates World Children's Day, i.e. the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the goal is to gain media and public attention through campaigns such as "Kids take over", and to designate World Children's Day as an annual reminder of the necessity of achieving children's rights, and one of the key rights of children is to express their opinion and to be heard.

This year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we focus on equality and inclusion, and emphasize the necessity of respecting every right #ForEveryChild.




*Name changed to protect identity