In northern Benin, children can access safe spaces to learn, seek support and be heard

For every child, the right to play

Reine David-Gnahoui
Les enfants souriant font des gestes de main
UNICEF/Reine David
23 janvier 2024

In Benin, the escalation of the insecurity situation in the northern part of the country has raised significant concerns about providing a conducive environment for children to receive quality education and engage in recreational activities during their free time.

In the Atacora department, specifically in the town of Tanguiéta, over 900 displaced individuals, including children, have been identified—a number that continues to rise. Children, adolescents and young people are particularly vulnerable and have become the primary victims in this situation.

UNICEF Benin, supported by the Global Humanitarian Fund, has offered technical and financial assistance to the Departmental Direction of Social Affairs, enhancing the skills of its personnel. The community has also been actively involved in recruiting volunteer facilitators for the Child-Friendly Spaces (Espaces Amis des Enfants), resulting in the training of 10 facilitators in Tanguiéta. Additionally, the Social Promotion Center has supplied emergency educational materials, including Early Child Development (ECD) kits and recreational kits, to enhance child-friendly spaces.

This morning, the playground of the Ecole Primaire Publique PORKA in Tanguiéta town center is abuzz with activities. Approximately a hundred children from the surrounding area have gathered to enjoy themselves and participate in various games and recreational activities, all under the vigilant supervision of community-identified activity facilitators.

une maman tient son bébé d'un mois
UNICEF/Reine David
Nama Donatienne, devoted animator of the Amis des Enfants space with her child.

Nama Donatienne, a committed animator at Espace Amis des Enfants and a mother to a one-month-old baby, shares with a smile: "Ever since I was recruited a year ago, I haven't skipped any of the activities here. I believe this center holds immense significance in the lives of children, particularly those who are refugees. What I find intriguing is that, when it comes to children, distinctions seem to disappear effortlessly – they connect and communicate seamlessly. Witnessing this unity is not only motivating for us, but it often prompts us to join them during playtime."

Children often have moments of unoccupied time, which can be a source of concern for parents, especially in these times of escalating insecurity. However, thanks to this center, children are gathering, and, as you can see, they sometimes create their own games. The center encourages interaction between children, whether refugees or not, and contributes to their development.

adds Donatienne
Les enfants jouent
UNICEF/Reine David
a child is running and playing
UNICEF/Reine David

“The center is run twice a week under our supervision and our wish is to give them more games, so that there's enough variety," continues Donatienne.

For every child, the right to play.