Press release
Number of children without critical social protection increasing globally
GENEVA/NEW YORK, 2 March 2023 - The number of children without access to social protection is increasing year-on-year, leaving them at risk of poverty, hunger and discrimination, according to a new report released by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF today. More than a billion reasons: The urg...

Anaylsis on child-focused public expenditure measurement in Armenia
A government's budget is a reflection of its priorities, and therefore how much is spent on children and adolescents is testimony to the government’s commitment to children’s rights. The fulfillment of all rights for all children depends on adequate resources being devoted to relevant legislation and policies, and...

Video essay
I demand that childhood multidimensional poverty is a top priority on the national agenda
On November 20 the world celebrates World Children’s Day. This is also the day when UN convention on Child Rights was adopted! In 2018, to mark World Children's Day in Armenia special discussion was held in Tumo Creative Center, where children voiced the issues they are concerned with. Children were joined by the ...

Video essay
Without strong social protection services, it will be difficult to overcome this situation
On November 20 the world celebrates World Children’s Day. This is also the day when UN convention on Child Rights was adopted! In 2018, to mark World Children's Day in Armenia special discussion was held in Tumo Creative Center, where children voiced the issues they are concerned with. Children were joined by the ...