03 October 2018

Social protection

The challenge, Too many families in need of social protection still face barriers accessing it. Discrimination against the most vulnerable children prevents many from receiving the benefits and services they are entitled to. Until now, social care services in Albania were limited and provided largely by non-state agencies. Existing social services are fragmented…, The solution, Social care reform In November 2016, after four years of intensive work, the Albanian government adopted the Law on Social Care Services and laid the foundation for a system of integrated services for vulnerable families and children. The law clearly directs both central and local governments to cover social care services and the setting up of a…, Resources, For further reading These resources represent just a small selection of materials produced by UNICEF globally and its partners in Albania. The list is regularly updated to include the latest information. Supporting Planning of Social Care Services Basket of Services (2016) Supporting Planning of Social Care Services Vulnerability Mapping (2015)…, Four years of hard work bears fruit, children reading UNICEF For many years in Albania neither child protection and development nor prevention of family poverty was prioritised within the social-protection system. Vulnerability to neglect and lack of basic services plagued many Albanians and in many cases economic assistance was the only support provided. Social-care services were…