Displaced boy in destroyed area
© UNICEF/NYHQ2006-1679/Kate Brooks
Standing in rubble and debris, a displaced boy looks around his destroyed neighbourhood in a southern suburb of Beirut, the capital. His school was among thousands of buildings destroyed during the conflict.

The corporate responsibility to respect includes:

a. Respecting children’s rights in the context of emergencies
Avoid causing or contributing to the infringement of children’s rights in the context of emergencies. Recognize the heightened human rights risk in the context of armed conflict and other emergencies, and undertake human rights due diligence accordingly. Take into account that emergencies can significantly increase the risk of any adverse impact on children’s rights, and that certain groups of children may be more vulnerable, including children with disabilities, displaced, migrant, separated and unaccompanied children and indigenous children, and that girls and boys may be affected in different ways.

The corporate commitment to support includes:

b. Supporting the rights of children affected by emergencies
i. Help protect children whose rights are affected by emergencies by raising awareness among workers and community members of the increased risks of violence, abuse and exploitation of children in such contexts.
ii. Where needed and requested, and in accordance with best practices, support authorities and humanitarian agencies in emergency response. Support should be based on assessed need and within a framework of accountability to affected populations.
iii. Make a positive contribution to sustainable peace and development.

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